January 21, 2019

Centrik simplifies operational management for Aurigny

Aurigny has dramatically simplified its operational management after implementing Centrik.

Guernsey-based Aurigny selected Centrik for its operational management after finding it to be the only system capable of handling the airline’s highly complex fleet requirements – which range from Dornier 228s to Embraer 195s – while remaining accessible and easy to use for all staff.

The system, which has been tailored to the specifics of Aurigny’s operations, enables the team to efficiently and effectively manage elements such as risk, safety, compliance, documents, as well as overall day-to-day management and workflows.

Nigel Moll, Flight Operations Director, Aurigny, says: “Centrik is incredibly user-friendly and has made our complex management far more efficient. The entire team benefits from a reduced workload, as it’s easy to track actions, findings and observations.

“The traffic light system for identifying tasks means nothing gets missed, and because it’s completely customised to our operations it’s made it far easier to simply manage everything.”

Centrik will also assist the airline’s auditing process by the UK CAA. The system acts as a central, constantly updated repository detailing all of Aurigny’s processes, actions and outcomes, which gives management the power to collate months of complex information in minutes.

To assist in the process, Aurigny has provided auditors with read-only access to its Centrik system, which enables them to see in real-time aspects of how the airline is operating.

Moll says: “Auditor access is a very useful feature because the UK CAA’s team have growing access to some of the information they require remotely. This means that in future they will need to spend less time on site with us, which in turn frees up our time to focus on other aspects of our operation.”

Centrik is now used by more than 300 employees at Aurigny, with the system’s functionality and capability expanding the more it is used.

“The value Centrik brings to our business is growing week by week as more functionality is built in. We’re already looking at how it could simplify the training process for more than 100 of our crew, as well as make EFB management seamless too,” Moll adds.

Aurigny operates a fleet of eight aircraft connecting Guernsey to the UK and France, transporting more than 600,000 passengers a year.

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