July 10, 2017

New senior appointment brings greater MRO support from Centrik

Centrik, the operational management system supplier, has boosted its support for MROs with a new appointment of an experienced industry expert, Andy Wilkinson, as Head of MRO.

Wilkinson, with almost 30 years’ experience in aircraft engineering, is a former Centrik customer, having most recently worked as Maintenance Manager at CSE Citation Centre. He has also performed high-level engineering roles on a huge variety of aircraft types for companies such as BAE and Signature Aircraft Engineering.

Wilkinson will provide MROs with tailored specialist advice on how to make the most of their operations with Centrik

He says: “In my previous role, I witnessed the power of Centrik as it streamlined and transformed the entire business. My industry knowledge, experience and Centrik hands-on customer perspective enable me to develop and promote this crucial operational management tool with assured confidence of its value and success within MRO. Centrik reduces duplication, frees up valuable resource delivering increased efficiency and ultimately a safer business.”

Centrik is a complete operational management system originally designed for the aviation sector by aviation experts. The system is used by a variety of MRO businesses, including Cardiff Aviation and 2Excel.

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