November 02, 2020

Saving over $20k annually per aircraft with the Electronic Tech Log

An aircraft technical log is a regulated document used to record flight hours and maintenance details such as defects on an aircraft. Most operators today still use a paper form to achieve this – usually with carbon copies that are distributed to various people such as ground handling agents and maintenance operations:

Paper Based Tech Log

As a paper process, the paper technical logs often contain errors from either miscalculations or mistakes in transferring items such as total times from previous records. These errors occur at a surprisingly high rate – typically 30-50% of paper logs we see contain an error of some sort. With the TrustFlight Electronic Tech Log, our focus has been on reducing these errors as much as possible. This is achieved by providing live validation of data at the point of entry, intuitively designed workflows which prevent accidental mistakes and the cross checking of data across multiple sources.

TrustFlight Tech Log

A recent operator onboarded the TrustFlight Tech Log and ran it in parallel with their paper process for a two-month period. During this, there were 52 errors found on the paper process, compared to just one error using the electronic system. These errors resulted in an additional 3.25 hours of flight time and 2 cycles accumulating on the aircraft with the paper process, compared to just a one minute error on the Electronic Tech Log. Over a 12-month period, this is a significant error of almost 20 hours. On a large aircraft such as a Gulfstream or Bombardier Global, this can result in over $20,000 of extra maintenance cost on parts and engine programs, and that’s before considering the impact of depreciation on the aircraft or lost charter revenue.

With an intuitive process, variety of integrations and a typical ROI on the system in less than a month, getting up and running with the TrustFlight Tech Log has never been easier! Learn more at or contact our team at to get started.

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