May 12, 2022

Take the lead in safety management

Within every sector of the aviation industry, a comprehensive and robust safety culture is vital, but ensuring you have the right system in place can be what makes your organization stand out from the competition when it comes to SMS.

When it comes to safety, Centrik understands the importance of leading from the front. Acutely aware of how challenging it is to find the right SMS, the experienced team at Centrik utilizes its aviation pedigree to create a simple and intuitive way to improve every aspect of your safety and risk reporting.

Mark DeVault, Head of Safety and Quality at Comlux, Indiana, says of the system: “Reducing risk is what we strive for every day; we are in a risk-based business and Centrik has helped us move from ‘reacting’ to risk, to ‘predicting’ that risk – it’s a very valuable resource.”

For an MRO, one of the most important things to consider is being able to track and evidence the competencies of its engineers. For global MRO, STS Aviation Group, this is a vital tool, as Rob Wire, Senior Vice President, Information Technology, explains: “Across our entire operation we needed a SMS capable of combining all of the pertinent information relating to our business and our engineers.

“We use Centrik to provide a single record of truth that can be accessed universally, providing current, live data on the currency and competency of every employee – which increases operational efficiency and ultimately makes us a safer organization.”

A powerful SMS is just the start. With Centrik at the core of your operation, you have a platform capable of managing all documents, maintaining regulatory compliance, conducting internal and external audits, monitoring all training, conducting meetings, plus a myriad of other functionality designed to enhance efficiency, reduce duplication and improve safety.

Jim Gautrey, Head of Safety at Centrik, explains: “No matter the size or scope of your organization, Centrik has been developed to help your business take the lead in safety management, whilst also providing you with the tools you need for complete operational control.”

Fully compliant with all FAA and Transport Canada regulations, with Centrik you get a comprehensive, fully-integrated, scalable, cloud-based operational management system that is used by aviation businesses in every sector, notably including the national aviation authorities themselves.

There is no need to take a one-dimensional approach to safety, choose a solution designed to meet the unique requirements of your business – whether it’s simply a system that’s ready to go straight ‘out of the box’ or one that demands a more bespoke approach.

Talk to us today to find out how Centrik can deliver a simple, straightforward, and cost-effective way to manage not only SMS, but every aspect of your business.

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